Objective of the report
Generate a change and an improvement in the quality of life of people with reduced mobility, through the design of inclusive opportunities based on 4 fundamental pillars: Mobility, Accessibility, Time and Work (MATT).
Impact Assessment B
We created an electric device that adapts to manual wheelchairs called MATT, which is designed to have enough strength and stability to navigate the complex terrain that is part of our region. In addition, our proposal is complemented by an inclusive and sustainable service plan made up of two branches: Matt Mobility (design and development of the
MATT devices) and Matt Experiencias (Inclusive tourism for social transformation and awareness). Additionally, we are working on a mobile application called Club2G, focused on mobility around the city, job opportunities and the generation of a community that generates greater visibility for people with reduced mobility both in the
society and the labor force.
We don't just sell a product, we build a community around it.
Business model
Matt SAS BIC has a community-focused business model that supports and builds the economic vitality of local communities. The revenue model is primarily private, with revenue being the weekly payments from users who rent the MATT. However, we are open to partnerships with private or public organizations that want to provide device access opportunities for their customers or employees. Thus, our model is hybrid.
Currently, we are growing and expanding in the city of MedellÃn; It should be noted that all the components are produced in Colombia, and in order to expand, they will be sent to new places so that the MATT devices can be assembled there.
On the other hand, we have a portfolio of guided tours of the city on MATT devices, focused on accessibility and universal design, making both citizens and tourists feel the city from the perspective of a wheelchair user (immersion sensitive). This is also a job opportunity for people with reduced mobility, since at least one of the guides is a user of the device and pays for it through the rental program.
corporate governance
Each team member has the authority to make decisions in their respective area, but far-reaching decisions that impact the company as a whole are made collaboratively. This collaborative approach ensures that each decision is well-considered and supported by a team of experts dedicated to MATT's mission.
Our team is structured in such a way that we can effectively fulfill our mission, which is focused on continuously improving the quality of life of the people enrolled in our rental program, through the provision of mobility, support and generation of job opportunities.
Our organizational structure fosters a mutual learning environment where all team members can be both teachers and learners. The constant exchange of information and responsibilities strengthens both internal and external complementarity in our company, allowing people enrolled in the rental program to also
become an integral part of the company, of the decisions and of the work model towards society.
Now, performance appraisal at MATT is an ongoing, growth-focused process. At the individual level, each team member has clear, achievable goals that are aligned with their roles and responsibilities, as well as the overall company goals. At the team level, it assesses how each business unit is contributing to the achievement of MATT's goals. Factors such as the quality of work, effectiveness in achieving goals, collaboration and contribution to the company culture are taken into account.
labor practices
In order to promote and maintain an inclusive work environment, our approach is holistic, where we ensure the integral value that each person represents in our company, taking into account a reconciliation and balance between work and personal life. Therefore, the person who assembles the devices is as important as the one who is in charge of managing and organizing the social awareness experiences, and thus each of the employees who collaborate with the daily growth of our organization.
The work environment is constantly in continuous improvement to provide ergonomic spaces for your physical health, as well as, we ensure personal growth and relationship through workshops and social experiences with different areas of expansion and knowledge, such as music, art , culture, technical skills, among others, that are transversal and complementary between work and personal life. Without neglecting the emotional and mental health of our collaborators and the people who are part of the Club2G community, which is in constant construction and development; That is why we are interested in free association and collective bargaining, promoting a constructive dialogue, hand in hand with our psychosocial support program.
environmental practices
We continue to implement the manufacture and use of clean energy devices for low emissions, thanks to the fact that it is an electric vehicle. At MATT, we value and respect sustainability and strive to work with suppliers
share this commitment. While sustainability is one aspect that we consider in our partnership decisions, we also take into account other factors such as quality, reliability, cost and the ability to meet our specifications and deadlines.
For their part, our collaborators and oldest users began in the Matt LogÃstica program, which is not directly active with the organization, however, home deliveries continue to be made through them, which also generates a positive environmental impact that it does not generate emissions, and also contributes with the financing to acquire the device and/or for their financial support.
For its maintenance, we also promote the circular economy, mostly making preventive adjustments, to avoid its disposal and disposal before the estimated time.
Practices with the community
Inclusion and diversity are two key factors in the development of our company; This is precisely what moves us to continue impacting more people, more places, more working and social conditions.
Each person, with or without a disability, has a value, a story to tell and something to offer to society. That is why in the construction and growth of our community we have as a base the participation of all and the recognition as teachers and apprentices at the same time. Our impact is not only local, but we have been able to reach people from abroad who visit our country/city; In addition, as mentioned above, we generate connections and alliances with other expansion areas to encourage community contribution through dialogue and feedback internally and externally to the organization.
The construction of alliances has been a good way to advance in our projects; That's why at MATT, we've formed several significant new alliances in an effort to strengthen our operation and expand our impact. These alliances are an integral part of our operation and help us advance our mission of improving the quality of life of people with reduced mobility (Nebular, Bureau, Antioquia Rehabilitation Committee, KOET electrical engineering, Vector Energy, Ruta N) .
On the other hand, we have actively participated in national and international events, as well as we have obtained the following recognitions (Geneva Health Forum 2022, Recognition by the MedellÃn Mayor's Office, Accessible Tourism Award, Public Mobility Pilot, SURA 2022 Congress, OpenUP in the Netherlands 2022).